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Social Security offices have been closed to the public for in-person meetings and appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, with vaccinations beginning, we anticipate the eventual re-opening of these field offices—however, we also anticipate significant wait times and delays in getting in-person meetings and appointments to help with the filing and process of disability claims. Fortunately, Regas & Haag is here to help.

Important Information for Disability Insurance Applicants
Each year about 2 million people apply for SSDI benefits, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) only approves about 37% of first-time applicants. That leaves 700,000 ineligible applicants who are denied; most after waiting for more than two years. At Regas & Haag, we’re here to help you through the steps of the application process for Social Security Disability Benefits. Here is what you need to know about applying for SSDI:

  1. You must meet the duration of work test, meaning you are fully insured, and record at least 40 quarters of paying FICA taxes throughout your entire working career.
  2. You must meet the recent work test of 20 quarters or credits (5 years) of earnings during the last 10 years.
  3. If your disability is determined to be long term, permanent or terminal, you can apply for SSDI. But don’t wait too long before applying, as a delay could render you ineligible.
  4. You must meet the SSA’s definition of disability to receive SSDI benefits.
  5. Once approved, plan for your benefits to begin five months after the date you last worked.
  6. Disability benefits convert to retirement benefits once you reach 65–67 depending on your birthdate.
  7. Confirm your eligibility before you apply. Regas & Haag will help you determine if you are eligible before you apply, and help navigate the SSDI process.
  8. Considering applying alone? Applicants with representatives have a higher chance of success at the application and appeal levels of the SSDI program.
    At Regas & Haag, we handle all the steps of the application process for Social Security Disability Benefits so you don’t have to. This eliminates the need for applicants to wait for hours on-hold or in line. We also anticipate appointments being filled months into the future upon the
    reopening of Social Security offices. When you file your application can affect how much money you receive, so it’s important to submit your application early. Contact us to speak to a representative today and learn how Regas & Haag can help!

Applying for social security disability benefits requires time, patience, and understanding in order to fill out the lengthy and monstrous forms. Doing so can be tedious in itself, but you’ll need to fill them in correctly if you are hoping to get them approved the first time. Unfortunately, many forms are rejected if they are not completely filled out or if any medical records are missing in the submission.

What Is Social Security Disability Insurance?

The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is meant to help support you and your family members if you are struggling with a disability. These benefits are only available to individuals that have paid taxes on their earnings for a sufficient period of time in a recent time frame.

Do You Quality for Social Security Disability Benefits?

In order to make a claim for social security disability benefits, you must:

  • Not be earning more than $1,260 a month in the current year.
  • Be impaired by a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to complete basic work-related tasks.
  • Have a condition that is listed among the list of medical conditions that make it impossible to earn a living.
  • Not be able to complete the work you did in the past.
  • Not be able to do any other type of work.

In order to receive social security disability benefits, you will need to meet every criteria above.

How Can You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Once you’ve reviewed the criteria above and the Checklist for Online Adult Disability Application, it’s time to start the application process. Thankfully, there are multiple ways to apply for these benefits.  

If you find these forms difficult and confusing, ensure you get the right assistance that will help you on your journey. At Regas and Haag Ltd, we don’t wait for the application to be denied. We handle applications from the earliest stages, including making sure the lengthy and difficult forms are completed correctly, to increase your chances of getting approved.

To know more about how to file for social security benefits successfully, talk to our professionals by calling us at 800-520-2200.

As our state re-opens, many are faced with a difficult decision—whether or not to return to work. Unfortunately, general fear or concern over coronavirus does not hold legal merit to refuse to return to work. However, those who are high-risk individuals (as determined by the CDC), or who have other health disorders, are protected by specific laws and regulations

Whether you’re looking for additional accommodations in returning to work, or keeping unemployment benefits after refusing to return, you’ll want to consider these things:

The CDC High-Risk List

The CDC is continually updating its list of high-risk medical conditions concerning COVID-19. For individuals with these conditions, it’s suggested they take precautions to limit social interactions. When returning to work, CDC recommends additional accommodations such as telecommuting, increased PPE, or changes in schedule to limit interactions with staff/customers.

If you are considered high-risk and want to work, it’s important to remember your employer cannot force you to stay home. They must work with you to provide reasonable safety accommodations.

Reasonable Accommodations

Discuss with your employer what procedures have been put in place to ensure proper protection and social distancing. Ask:

  • What’s the cleaning and sanitization policy?
  • How will staff/customers adhere to social distancing?
  • What screening procedures are being put into place?
  • Is it possible to telecommute?

If you require additional accommodations to feel safe, you must engage in the interactive process with your employer to determine what adjustments are needed.

If your request does not cause undue hardship to your employer, they must comply. Reasonable accommodations may include; additional or modified protective gear; plexiglass, or other barriers between yourself and others; telecommuting; and more.

Talk to Your Doctor

Not all medical conditions are visible or are on the CDC high-risk list. We recognize mental health conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, OCD, can impact someone’s ability to feel safe returning to work. While general concern or fear over the virus is not enough to allow an individual to refuse to return to work, there are steps you can take. Talk to your doctor and obtain a medical note regarding the risks you face returning to work due to your mental or physical illness. 

If you choose not to return to work, and you cannot provide legal justification, you could lose any unemployment benefits you’re collecting. At Regas & Haag, we defend vulnerable individuals in Social Security & Disability Law and Worker’s Compensation cases. If you believe you have a legal claim in regards to returning to work post-COVID-19. Please reach out to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your rights.