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Your Guide to Supplemental Security Income in Ohio

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides financial assistance to children who are unable to work due to disability and have limited financial resources. In Ohio, SSI eligibility is primarily based on your child’s ability to gain employment and the number of years they’ve contributed to the Social Security system. 

Keep reading to learn how children with disabilities can start receiving SSI benefits in Ohio.

Medical Eligibility for Children

To qualify for SSI benefits, children in Ohio must meet specific criteria:

  • Limited Earnings: Your child must not be working or earning more than $1,470 a month in 2023. A child who is blind must not be working or earning more than $2,460. 
  • Functional Limitations: Your child must have severe functional limitations that interfere with their ability to function at the same level as their peers.
  • Duration of Disability: Your child must have been disabled for at least one full year or have a life-threatening disability.


It’s worth noting that Ohio’s state agency usually needs 3 to 6 months to determine if your child meets their disability criteria. However, they provide immediate SSI payments for certain medical conditions. These payments can extend for up to 6 months while the state agency assesses your child’s eligibility for a qualifying disability. The following are some of the conditions that may make your child eligible:

  • Complete blindness
  • Profound deafness
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Down syndrome
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Severe intellectual disability (for children aged 4 or older)
  • Symptomatic HIV infection
  • Birth weight below 2 pounds, 10 ounces

Determining Child Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses two methods to determine if your child is disabled:

  • Listing Comparison: A representative will compare the child’s condition to the criteria outlined in Part B of the disability listing.
  • Functional Limitations Assessment: The representative will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s limitations, assessing their abilities and restrictions.

Medical Evidence Requirements for Children

As a parent of a child with a disability, you are responsible for providing substantial evidence to prove the disability. This evidence can include:

  • Medical Records: Detailed medical records outlining your child’s condition, treatment history, and prognosis.
  • Lab Tests: Any diagnostic tests that confirm your child’s medical condition.
  • Doctor’s Observations: Observations and opinions from medical professionals who have examined your child.
  • Other Relevant Information: Any additional information that supports the case.


We understand that collecting all the necessary information and evidence might be overwhelming. Our dedicated attorneys are ready to walk with you every step of the way to make sure your case is successful. 

Continuing Disability Reviews

Once the SSA determines that your child is disabled and eligible for SSI benefits, periodic reviews may be necessary to ensure that their condition still warrants these benefits. These continuing disability reviews help maintain the integrity of the SSI program and ensure that assistance is directed to those who truly need it.

With the help of Regas & Haag, LTD, your application for SSI benefits in Ohio will be a breeze. Contact us today to get started!